Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The time of my life!

Wow, I do not even know where to begin....this place is incredible! I am having the best time! I have had more fun in this past week here with all these girls in my group than my whole last semester in Athens! There's something about being in sunshine and seeing beautiful mountains everywhere that just makes me way happier! Today was our first day of classes...it is weird being in class because we have been spending our days hiking and laying in our hammocks and just goofing off! Classes are not bad though, we have been hanging out with our professors for over a week already so we already know them really well and they are all nice! So, here's what my typical day is like. We have breakfast at 7:30, then at 8:30 I have my field experience class which is where we get to go in elementary and high schools here and teach students (I'm really pumped about that one!!). Then I have a break from 10-12 and today, me and my roommate Alyssa laid out and read our books and ended up getting a little burnt! Lunch is at 12 and after lunch, I have anthropology and Spanish. The class size is insanely small. There are 3 people in my Spanish class which makes me think that I will be fluent by the time this is over. My teacher actually lives in Costa Rica and is really nice! After class about six of us girls started to play soccer on the little field on campus... then two of the kitchen guys came and played with us and it got really competitive but it was so fun! Life is so simple here, I really love it. After soccer, a group of four of us went for a jog on the mountain. We jog about a mile down the road and back and the views are insane. I don't even need to use my ipod because the sounds of nature and just looking around distract me enough. Oh, and our dance lessons last night were so FUN! Alyssa and me have a whole salsa routine- I will post a video of it eventually. It was so funny watching everyone because we are so bad compared to all the Costa Ricans. I think I was laughing more than anything! Tomorrow we are waking up at 6:00 to milk the cows on campus which should be a sight to see! Anyway, I can't believe how much fun I have had in just one week. I already know that I am going to be sad to leave here, even though I miss all my family and friends! I am going to try to put up a link to my pictures for everyone reading this who does not have facebook. Click for Pics! (Hopefully that works) Adios amigos!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the link sista friend! Those pics are awesome!!! We are definitely planning our own trip to Costa Rica once you get back!! Love ya :)
