Sunday, January 16, 2011

The best lunch I've had in Costa Rica- chicken fajitas, rice, beans and a plantain

 This is how coffee is served in Costa Rica... and it's delicious!!
 A beautiful parrot we saw- it was loud too!
 A monkey we saw at the zoo... (My roomie Alyssa and me)
 Typical Costa Rican breakfast... eggs, rice, plantain
 A giant leaf we saw in the rainforest
Alyssa and me soaking up nature

We are finally at the UGA campus! Internet here goes in and out so I'm not sure how much I will be able to update this. The campus is absolutely beautiful!! We are staying in cute little villas with bunk beds. Today we went on an awesome 2 hour hike in the morning- we saw all sorts of creatures and plants. It rains almost every morning apparently and mists throughout the day so we are all used to being gross and have embraced it. We are all throwing makeup and good hygiene out the window for a while :) Tomorrow we are going into the closest town to get rope for our hammocks and anything else we will need for a while. We are seriously in the boonies of Costa's awesome. Classes start on Tuesday, but only last for about 4 weeks until our break, so it's like a Maymester. AND we are milking cows at 6:30 am Wednesday morning which I am really excited about!! Most people who know me know that I am NOT a morning person but since we go to bed so early, I really don't mind it. Oh and also we have dance lessons with Giovanny (one of the servers here) tomorrow night so that will be fun too! That's all for now...Adios :)

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