Friday, January 14, 2011

Rice and Beans

The past two days have been so packed and busy, but so fun! Yesterday, we went to a history of Costa Rica museum in San Jose which was like any other typical museum and just showed the country's history. More exciting after that, we walked through the market and all bought hammocks to take to the UGA campus and I can't wait to lay outside and read in mine! My friend Alyssa and me also bought really cool slingshots (which we have been practicing using in our hotel room). We also went to the zoo where we saw parrots, peacocks, monkeys, and a BUNCH of turtles.The food here has been great: rice, beans, chicken plantains.. it's all better than I thought it would be. Although I didn't realize that people eat rice and beans for breakfast too. Rice and beans seem to be the default meal here. As we were driving to an archeological site today, we passed the craziest places that I was so surprised to see in Costa Rica... Outback, Taco Bell, Hooters, random! Tomorrow we are going to a volcano then heading to Monteverde to the UGA campus.. I can't wait! I will post some pictures soon.

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