Monday, January 24, 2011

Going to the beach in January!?

This weekend was GREAT! Yesterday we went to the January! It blows my mind that it is January because the weather is so perfect here. We swam on the Pacific side and the water felt so good! The beach is about an hour and a half away, and was nice because it wasn't touristy at all. Anyway, the second week of classes have started. This morning was awesome because for our field experience class, we got to do service rotations and help either in the kitchen, in housekeeping or in maintenance. Me and three other girls were assigned to housekeeping. It was funny because when we got to the laundry room, a lot of the women were sitting there doing their makeup and told us to come back in ten minutes! When we came back in, I was assigned to work with a lady named Lita. We went to all the bungalows and cabinas to make the beds and clean up the bathrooms. It was fun walking with her, speaking broken Spanish, trying to communicate to each other about our families and interests. She was really understanding of my poor Spanish and I think we were just laughing more than anything. We met up with her nephew, Venecio and finished sweeping and mopping the rest of the rooms. Everyone who works here is so nice and now it's cool to say hi to them and start up a conversation when I see them in passing. One of my favorite parts of this trip is the soccer games we play everyday after class with the Costa Rican staff. They are so good and we are not, but it is so fun to get to know them through playing soccer. On Wednesday night, we transfer to our home stay houses. Mine is about a twenty minute walk away from campus. I met my host mom yesterday; she works in the kitchen is a really sweet lady! We stay at their houses until Monday morning, so we will be with them all day Saturday and Sunday! I'm not sure what we are going to do all day, but I'm sure they have something planned. Also, I have added more pictures, so here is another link: More Pictures! The new ones are at the bottom. One last thing, I have been craving a big cheeseburger sooo bad! ADIOS

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