Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"No entiendo mucho español..."

We are leaving for our home stays in about 2 hours... this should be interesting. I have learned a lot in my Spanish class so far, but apparently most of these families speak little to no English. We should all have some pretty funny stories when we meet back up tomorrow for class. I will probably be saying a lot of the title, "I don't understand a lot of Spanish..." We have every  meal with our new families except when we are here for lunch. Everyone is freaking out about being there until Monday night, but I think it will be more fun than we all think...but I am still a little nervous! We won't have internet or much distraction, so we all should get a ton of homework and studying done! But the bad news is, we won't be able to play our daily game of fútbol, which is definitely my favorite part of the day. I don't have much time, butI will update everyone on how my home stay family/experience is tomorrow or the next day. Pura Vida!

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