Friday, February 4, 2011


I can't believe another week here has flown by! It has been relatively cold here this week (more in the 70's than the 80's), but hey I am NOT complaining! Yesterday after class, Ashley, Alyssa and I endured the 2 hour hike to go to the waterfall again. I cannot get enough of that waterfall. It is absolutely breathtaking. I could just sit and stare at it for like an hour. So many things here in Costa Rica are reflective of God's beauty...all the rainbows, the waterfall, the's awesome.

Today, we walked to the elementary school here in San Luis and brought the kids back here to do an activity with them as part of our field experience class. I worked with Lucy, Diego & Cecilia. We walked around campus and up the trails a little bit to collect all sorts of plants and then made a mosiac art project with all the flowers and leaves we had collected. The kids are all so sweet and so eager and excited to work with us.

I think we are all excited that the weekend here. Tonight, I think we are going to walk to the store and buy cokes and popcorn for an outdoor movie night. There's this outdoor classroom here where you can set up a projector and also there's a fireplace so we are going to try to find some marshmallows. AND we also have more dance lessons with Geovanny. Saturday, we are leaving at 7 to go zip lining and then going out that night to go salsa dancing for one of the girl's birthdays. Those dance lessons are going to pay off :) I'm excited! Sunday morning, we have Spanish class because we missed a day this week and then the rest of the day free. And soon, we will be at the beach!! I can't wait!!

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