Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Wow, we are so so lucky in the United States... on so many levels. Being here just makes me appreciative of all that I have, but it also makes me realize that living more simple is really the way to go. People here are just so content and happy and they have no want or need for all the "things" we have.. it's nuts. Anyway, today is our last day of classes, so I have two pretty big exams tomorrow and a big paper due. But Thursday, we leave for San Jose and go river rafting on the way there. We do not come back here to campus in San Luis until February 19. We have a little 5 day spring break, so we are all going to go to the beach in Montezuma. I can't wait to be at the beach!!

The weekend was really fun. Saturday, we went zip lining and although it was drizzling the whole time, we still had a blast. I have been zip lining in North Georgia before, but it is way cooler here! All you can see when you are in the air is an abyss of green trees. I wish I could've taken pictures while I was actually doing it because it was so beautiful. The guys who worked at the place were really funny because every time we would go up to them to get buckled in, they would say "Hi Lady!" in a funny accent and when they pushed us off "Bye-Bye Lady!" ...it was hilarious. At the end, we got to do a "Tarzan Swing" where we basically got to jump off a 26 foot tree and swing for a while...it was SO fun! It made me want to bungee jump (don't freak out mom). The last zip line was awesome... you got to go with a partner and we were leaned back the whole time, so it was kind of like we were laying down floating in the air, and it was a kilometer long! After zip lining, we got to eat lunch in town in Santa Elena and it was nice to have a cheeseburger, even though it still tasted a little different.
Getting ready to zipline

Saturday night was REALLY fun! We got to go out and go salsa dancing in Santa Elena! A bunch of the Costa Rican staff here at UGA came out with us and it was fun to dance with everyone! There were stray dogs running around in the bar and the American music they played was really funny just because most of it was so old. Alyssa and me salsa danced a lot and just walked around and messed with people who were dancing, it was hilarious. 
Me, Hannah, Alyssa and Lauren ready to go dancing!

Me and Alyssa- my awesome roomie

Christine, Lauren, me, Jessica & Alyssa

Alyssa, Jenier & me... he works in the kitchen

Everyone dancing.. the guy with the vest is Lucas, he is the gardener here

We are very serious about our salsa dancing- look at that concentration

Sunday was fun... four of us endured the beautiful 40 minute walk to the river... here are some pictures:
View on the way

Jessica, Alyssa & Christine- just look at the scenery!

el rio

Alyssa & me goofing around on the rocks

muchas piedras

Futbol has been a blast as usual... I scored a goal yesterday and also bruised the top of my foot  pretty bad because I accidentally kicked someone in the shin...whoops. He was bleeding too... who knew I had a steel foot? Maybe I should have played soccer all along :) (Chris, watch out when I get back... we will play some 1 on 1) This week has just been busy with school work because we are wrapping up the first session.. time is just flying by way too fast here. I can't even believe that it is already February. Again, I miss everyone, but I already know that I will be sad to leave Costa Rica. It makes me realize how much I want to travel in my life and go experience new cultures. I have already planned a sweet European backpacking trip in my head for next summer. Who's down to come? Anyway, it's about time for lunch. Pura Vida

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