Wednesday, February 2, 2011

service rotations, scorpions & soccer

It's nice to be back on campus. Mainly because now I can actually carry on a conversation with someone for longer than five minutes. I feel like when  I speak Spanish, I have a whole different personality. I am more shy and I just smile and nod a lot. 

Days go by so fast here. We only have a week more of class until our "spring break." We have about 6 days off before we start our second session of classes. We are basically taking two Maymesters, but some classes are both like Spanish and our field experience class. For the break, I think we are splitting up into 2 groups and going to the beach. We are looking at a place called Montezuma, which is more on the southwest side of Costa Rica. I am excited to be a beach bum for a couple of days! Right before the break, we go river rafting on our way to San Jose, which will be exciting as well. It's awesome that we even have a spring break, because our semester is way shorter than normal.

This week has gone by fast, but has been fun. On Monday, we had service rotations for our field experience class. Alyssa and me were assigned with maintenance and raked leaves for an hour and a half with two guys that work here. I like doing the service rotations because again, it forces you to speak Spanish to whoever you are working with. We talk mostly about our families and always learn new words. Again, everyone here is so nice and it's really cool to walk around campus and be able to say "Hola" when you pass all these people that you have worked with. For our field experience class today, we went to a paper making factory called Ecobambu to help the ladies make bags and sit and talk with more Costa Ricans. That is one of my favorite classes because we get to interact with people so much. 

Gross story... last night, I took a shower late and my other two room mates were asleep. The lights were off, so I was carrying around a flashlight before getting into bed. BUT, when I shone the light on my bed, I saw a HUGE scorpion!! I tried not to freak out, but it was disgusting! I looked up on the top bunk and woke up Alyssa. We didn't know if we should smush it or what and we were just so repulsed by it and scared that there might be more. We ended up just putting a glass over it... and then we couldn't sleep. It was almost midnight at that point... the latest I have stayed up in a LONG time. I definitely wasn't going to sleep in my bed and although there was an extra top bunk, we decided to squeeze together in the top bunk of a twin bed because we were freaked out. We watched The Office on my ipod until we fell was hilarious. And surprisingly, we both slept well even though we were two people squeezed in a tiny little bed. Needless to say, we will be checking our beds for scorpions EVERY night!

We have played A LOT of futbol lately! Apparently it's rainbow season in Costa Rica now so in the middle of playing, we saw the MOST amazing rainbow was a full arc and SO beautiful. I think we are all getting better at soccer. I can't ever kick the ball straight so I decided that I am only going to play defense. The guy who works in the kitchen and gives us dance lessons, Geovanny, plays with us also and he was trying to teach me how to control my kicks today... it was pretty funny. 

 Today was great because I got to Skype my parents and Chris.. I'm glad it worked because the internet is so iffy here...especially when it is windy! OH one more thing, we had SPAGHETTI for dinner! It was awesome...a great change from the usual menu. And, we are going zip lining this weekend...WOOP!


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