Monday, March 21, 2011

My Costa Rican Family

Me, Neivy, Arnoldo, Marcos, Mariana y Lorena

Family portrait :)

Mariana, me and Neivy- home stay sisters

Jefferson and me- Alyssa's homestay brother

Me, Andres & Alyssa

Me, Kevin, Jessica and Alyssa

Jenier and me

Manuel (the night guard) and me

Mallory, Daisy, me, Jessica, Isabel, Alyssa & Mavis

Saturday night, we had a fun dinner where all of our host families came and ate with us at UGA. It was great to see my whole host family again and all they kept asking was when I was going to come back to Costa Rica to see them, so needless to say, I am going to come back to this place multiple times. After dinner, we went out to Santa Elena to go dancing one last time.

Sunday, we walked to the soccer games again in lower San Luis to watch the San Luis teams play. Our friends that work in the kitchen were playing and they won! It was fun to watch them! We all came back to UGA and played soccer for a couple hours and later went to Lelo's for dinner. I have turned into a fish lover because we had the best tilapia ever! It was kind of weird because it was a whole fish that still had eyes and everything but it was SO good! Today and tomorrow are going to be overwhelmingly busy for me because my ecology final is tomorrow and I just have to get a lot of other stuff wrapped up. I am going to be so so sad to leave.

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