Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Less than 4 weeks :(

Today, I realized I have less than 4 weeks left here. Although I miss so many people (and Chikfila) I am going to be really sad to leave here. We have been doing some cool stuff lately. Last week, we had the opportunity to teach at two local elementary schools. The schools were both tiny and had from 11-20 students each, but it was such a rewarding experience. We taught- in Spanish- about systems in the human body and then paired up with a student and drew a diagram of the body and labled the bones and organs in Spanish. The kids were really well-behaved and excited that we were there to teach them. Also, we got to tour the local highschool and learn the differences between school systems here and school systems in Costa Rica.

Last week, I was in my homestay again for 5 days. It was definately more comfortable this time because I was already familiar with the family and see my host mom almost every day because she works in the kitchen. I helped her make tortillas one night and was actually able to carry on better conversations this time. It's amazing how much my knowledge of Spanish imporved between the two homestays. I still speak really slow in Spanish, but I am able to understand a lot more. Saturday morning, I came to work here at UGA with my mom and helped her in the kitchen, mainly washing dishes and cutting up vegetables for lunch. Then about 6 of us hiked to the waterfall and ate lunch there. I'm telling y'all. that waterfall never gets old.

Sunday, there was a huge soccer tournament in lower San Luis. My host parents both had to work, so me and Alyssa walked down and stayed pretty much all day. So many people from the community were there, so it was cool to hang out with everyone. There were 3 soccer games and a bunch of good food. People were just sitting on their horses, drinking beer, watching the games and there were a ton of stray dogs running up and down the field- it was hilarious. The walk back was rough- it was all uphill for about an hour, but we did it!

This week has been busy so far, but I am glad to be back on campus with everyone. In about a week, we are going to Cabo Blanco (the beach) for ecology for another entire week so I am excited about that. I will update again soon... Pura Vida!

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